2016 Sims Park DGC Seasonal Point Series -- Event 1
Singles tournament · Sun, Mar 20, 2016Mar 2016 · Euclid, OH

2016 Sims Park DGC Seasonal Point Series -- Event 1
Singles tournament
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Hosted by EUCLID DGC
Mar 209:00am - 9:45am
Registration / Check-in
9:45am - 10:00am
Players meeting
Tee off
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | $25 |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $20 |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | $20 |
MA3 | Mixed Am 3 | $20 |
About this tournament
2 rounds of play
This will be event 1 of a 4-part points series that will include cash payouts for all divisions and culminate in the declared Course Champion for each division (Rec, Intermediate, Advanced, and Pro). Divisions will be aligned with PDGA standards, and will include nearly 100% payout with payouts to the top 1/3+ in each division. During the four events, $30-40 ($10-12 / division) of each events entry total will be taken to purchase Trophy Discs for the yearly Champions. Minimum of 3 per division. Points will be given for each person you beat, including one for yourself. The highest points total at the end of the four events will be declared Course Champ and receive a custom Dyemax Trophy Disc. Two rounds of the standard 20 holes will be played each event. Events will occur in March, June, September, and December. Future event dates are now being determined.