2015 No Foolin

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, April 11-12, 2015

Hosted by Ann Arbor Area Disc Induced Sports Club


  • Sat
    Apr 11

    7:30am - 8:15am

    Registration / Check-in Day 1 Divisions

  • Sun
    Apr 12

    7:30am - 8:15am

    Registration / Check-in Day 2 Divisions


FCY Women Cash $0
GEN General $0
MPO Mixed Pro Open $50
FPO Women's Pro Open $50
MPM Master $50
FPM Master Women $50
MPG GM $50
FPG GM Women $50
MPS Sr GM $50
FPS Sr GM Women $50
MPL Legend $50
FPL Legend Women $50
MPE Sr Legend $50
MPR Grand Legend $50
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $50
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50
MM1 Adv Master $50
FM1 Adv Master Women $50
MG1 Adv GM $50
FG1 Adv GM Women $50
MS1 Adv Sr GM $50
FS1 Adv Sr GM Women $50
ML1 Adv Legend $50
FL1 Adv Legend Women $50
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50
FA2 Women's Am 2 $50
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50
FA3 Women's Am 3 $50
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $50
FA4 Women's Am 4 $50
MJ1 Junior I - Boys $40
FJ1 Junior I - Girls $40
MJ2 Junior II - Boys $40
FJ2 Junior II - Girls $40
MJ3 Junior III - Boys $40
FJ3 Junior III - Girls $40
MJ4 Junior IV - Boys $40
FJ4 Junior IV - Girls $40

About this tournament

If your Division is full but the pool has room reg for another division in that pool and we will move u up until reg closing

Discraft and CJ's Present
2015 No Foolin State Feature Event
When: April 11-12 2015
Where: Independence Lake Whitmore Lk Mi
How Much: $50.00
2 rounds of 24 holes
Multiple Free Side Games

ACE POOL: $5.00
50/50 CTP: $5.00

$500.00 added to Pro Purse

Player Pack for AM divisions.
Online Reg closes: April 9th 6:01pm
- No Cashless Pre-reg -
You do not have to be a PDGA member to play in this event or current. If you are not a member or not current you will be required to pay $10 for the Temp fee as per PDGA.

18 berths will be distributed to the Open and largest divisions.

Big Thanks to Discraft for their huge support, Buy Local Buy Discraft! Without their support this player pack would not be possible, BIG THANKS!!!
Free Disc Sponsored by Discraft to the first 45 PAID players to sign up, A FLX Sparkle Force

Divisions will be split between 2 days

Pool A Saturday (Day1):
Open, Am Masters, Am Grand Masters,
Intermediate, Pro Women & Am Women

Pool B Sunday (Day2):
Pro Masters, Advanced, Recreational, Novice
& Juniors

Player Packs:
AM2, AM1, all Am Master Divisions
1 Tournament Stamped Disc
1 Drifit Shirt
($23 PP Deduction + $3.00 PDGA Fee)
Payout Based on $36.00 per player
Player pack valued over $30

Am3,Am4, Am Women, Juniors
1 Tournament Stamped Disc
1 Disc of your Choice
1 Dri-Fit Shirt
1 Erasable Clipboard
($29 PP Deduction + 3.00 PDGA Fee)
Payouts Based on $27.00 per player
Player Pack Valued Over $50

All Division offered
$50.00 all division
Paid pre-reg only
$10 day of fee if not paid 1 week prior to event.
Cancellation policies as stated in the PDGA policy of cancellations.
150% payout at all State Feature Events.
$5 Ace Pool, if not hit 80/20 split 20% to course improvement fund and 80% will be shot off for after the second round.

///No cashless for this event sorry. This is A3 largest event of the year and has consistently filled so for this event we do not offer cashless pre-reg
2 rounds of 24 holes ///

18 Berths to states awarded to the Largest Divisions
45 mins from the last card turned in for LUNCH between round

To help address the sandbagging issues at the Michigan State Championships, a motion was made and the Motion was passed:
a. For the Am2/Am3 (including the women) divisions in Featured Events, if there is a player that takes 1st or 2nd place and that player has never had a PDGA membership the Featured Event will deduct from that player’s payouts $35 to cover the cost of buying them a PDGA membership.
b. The remaining $10 was initially paid by the player at entry.
c. The last missing $5 is because the MDGO is an Affiliate Club.
d. Non-current PDGA members do not apply.
e. The MDGO will reimburse $17 to the FE to help cover any loss.
f. It is heavily stressed that this needs to be advertised so the player base is aware of this prior to the event.

This was passed to address the issue of players not having player ratings. Even if they are not current, the TD does get a file from the PDGA that includes the player's rating.

Any Questions please email us:
TD info:
Floyd Hampp
Jessica Ferris

Open Mens/Am1 Longs Both Rounds
All Other Divisions Shorts Both Rounds
2 rounds 24holes
More Details to Follow.

Refund policy

Ann Arbor Disc Induced Sports Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.