2015 Legacy Discs Battle of the Aces at Sims Park

Singles tournament

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hosted by EUCLID DGC


  • Sun
    Oct 18

    9:00am - 9:45am

    Registration and Check In / Player Packs available

    9:45am - 10:00am

    Players Meeting


    Round 1 Tee off

    12:30pm - 1:15pm

    Lunch / Break (tentative) -- 45 minutes after last group comes in

    no Lunch will be provided

    1:30pm - 3:30pm

    Round 2 Tee off (tentative to end of Round 1 and Lunch)

    3:45pm - 4:15pm

    Awards Ceremony and Ring of Fire (after awards)


GEN General $30

About this tournament

A “Battle of the Aces” is a great way to introduce disc golf to your area or take a break from tournament play. Each player receives a package with everything needed to play in a battle or take to a disc golf course. Players have fun running at the chains for aces. The person with the most aces wins!

Everyone that attends a Battle of the Aces event will receive a player’s package which includes two UNRELEASED premium discs, lanyard, koozie, mini, sticker, a PUTTER and a discount code to Disc Golf Black Market. Over $75 worth of product for only $30!

The winner for each Battle of the Aces event will receive 9 discs, a hat, towel and a bag.

This event will feature 2 rounds of a 20 hole shortened hole layout. Each competitor will get one throw at each hole using the discs from the players pack and will be scored using metal hits as one point, and aces as 3 points. In the event no aces are hit or there is a tie, metal hits will be used as the tiebreaker to declare the winner. There is only 1 division for this event, and one winner, per Legacy Discs's rules. Side game such as CTP and Ring of Fire will be included for the chance at winning some extra goodies.

Shortened 20 hole Layout:

Hole 1: on concrete path near pier
Hole 2: from the beach
Hole 3: tee will be moved up 50-75 feet from standard tee
Hole 4: tee will be in front of pine trees, about 50 feet from standard tee
Hole 5: no change
Hole 6: no change
Hole 7: in front of fallen tree
Hole 8: tee will be moved up 50 feet
Hole 9: tee will be moved up 50-75 feet from standard tee
Hole 10: tee will be tear opening in the tree line to the left of the fairway
Hole 11: no change
Hole 12: tee will be moved up adjacent to hole 11 standard tee
Hole 13: tee will be moved up to near pine trees near the gravel path
Hole 14: tee will be moved up to near bushes on right of fairway
Hole 15: tee will be moved up 75-100 feet from standard tee
Hole 16: tee will be moved up 75-100 feet from standard tee
Hole 17: tee will be moved up 100-125 feet from standard tee
Hole 18: tee will be moved up 75-100 feet from standard tee
Hole A: tee will be moved to 50-75 feet behind hole 18 standard tee
Hole B: tee will be moved up 25-50 feet ahead of picnic table near standard tee

This should keep all holes between 150-275 feet, which will increase the chances at aces for all competitors. Please note, this may change depending on course conditions, as "Safety First" is an underlying rule at Sims Park Disc Golf Course.

Any questions or suggestions, please message me or post a comment on the event page.

Refund policy

EUCLID DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.