2014 Great Lakes Collegiate Open

PDGA C-tier

Sat-Sun, September 20-21, 2014

Hosted by FSU Disc Sports Club


  • Sat
    Sep 20

    8:30am - 9:30am at BlueGill

    Registration / Check-in

    9:30am - 9:45am

    Players meeting

    10:00am - 10:00am

    Tee off - Team Doubles

    2:00pm at BlueGill

    Singles following lunch

  • Sun
    Sep 21

    8:30am - 8:45am at Oshtemo Township Park

    Pick up scorecards

    9:00am - 9:00am

    Tee off - Team Doubles


TEAM Team Play $0 / team

About this tournament

The 2014 Great Lakes Collegiate Open is a Qualifying Event for the Midwest Region and requires NO REGISTRATION FEE! Three college teams will earn a berth to compete in the 2015 National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships to be held in Augusta, SC in April. HOWEVER! Due to a recently announced change in NCDGC guidelines, in order for your team to be eligible to receive a berth, you must first pay the $40 to register your team as an official College Disc Golf team.

College teams who simply want to compete against teams from other colleges and want to spend the day playing one of the sweetest courses on the planet, simply need to SHOW UP! (All players on the first 12 teams to show up will receive a custom-stamped Cyrztal Buzzzz or ESP Crank)

Refund policy

FSU Disc Sports Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.