
2011 Knollwood Grand Prix

Singles tournament · Sat, Sep 17, 2011Sep 2011 · Kalamazoo, MI

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Brian DeVries #46346 that's my homie Sep 17, 2011
Corey Nufer Due to some late entries, the tee off has been moved to 10am in order to have a little time for me to organize the brackets. Thank you for your patience, and let's have some fun out there today! Sep 17, 2011
Wade TF Nice format I must say. Good luck to all the competitors! Sep 11, 2011
Mark A Roberts Mark A Roberts #15229 Aug 18, 2011
Stephanie Gerry how do i pre reg for this event
Aug 12, 2011
Corey Nufer So this event is actually going to be a test for a series of events I want to plan for next year at different area courses. If successful, I would also like to tempt other clubs in other areas into the Grand Prix format. Lofty goals, but big things can start from one idea... Aug 11, 2011
Mike Phillips Pre Reg On The Scene? If So, Count Me In For Sure! Aug 10, 2011
Corey Nufer
I apologize for not getting back to you guys sooner, but because of some poor planning on my part I must change the date of this tournament. Unfortunately, I had scheduled it for the same day as the K ... show more ›
Aug 17, 2011
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