A draft “Mission Statement†was presented by Rick. Members in attendance provided feedback on the draft. The topi ...
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A draft “Mission Statement†was presented by Rick. Members in attendance provided feedback on the draft. The topic will be revisited next month. Establishing & documenting a concise list of “DFOK Standard Operating Procedures†list was suggested by Rick. The concept of a list came up as a way to quickly get our procedures in writing, in a brief & concise list form, until we establish official bylaws. This could help prevent future communication problems. Multiple “Financial Standards†were also discussed. At this point, all financial standards are associated to specific DFOK Leagues, rather than with the general operation of the club. However, in future years this will need to change if/when the club provides “club membership†options & benefits (beyond the current league memberships).
A lot of progress has been made, by the Riley County Parks staff, on installing the permanent tee sign posts & signs in the last few weeks. To date, all but 7 of the 18 are installed. Riley County staff is scheduled to finish installing the tee signs & posts, plus the remaining 7 concrete tee pads this week (weather permitting of course). Lets cross our fingers no freak snow storms, or other emergency projects, affect their schedule before they finish at Fairmont Park.
TWO amendments were proposed to the DFOK Bag Tag League rules. The 1st amendment was to begin issuing the DFOK Tags in sequential order after tag #50. The original rules were set to issue tags 51 thru 100 by random draw. It was moved & seconded to vote on the proposed amendment. The proposed change passed by a vote of 6-0 in favor of amending that rule. The 2nd amendment was to begin randomly grouping players at the weekly league by their division. Thus players would only play with people in their same division (Intermediate & Advanced). Much discussion took place about this topic. No motion was presented in favor of said change, thus no vote was taken. Also of note, at each DFOK Monthly Meeting, a Bag Tag League financial up-date will be provided.
MULTIPLE amendments were proposed to the DFOK Doubles League. Only the following were moved & seconded, then voted upon. The 1st Amendment was to publish an official League Payout Schedule (document) so players know what they will win based on their finishing place at a given league night. It was moved & seconded to vote on the proposed amendment. The proposed passed by a vote of 6-0 in favor of officially publishing said document. The 2nd Amendment was to establish an official weekly Player Sign-In Sheet to be used for this league (a master list, not to replace the scorecards). Many items to be recorded on said Sign-In Sheet were discussed. The information most discussed were as follows; Player’s name & e-mail address, paid status on that night’s Ace Fund (Y / N), current running total for Ace Fund, and number of participants present that night. It was moved & seconded to vote on the proposed amendment. The proposed change passed by a vote of 6-0 in favor of creating an official said document.
Reasoning discussed regarding the need for above described documents were (1) to document financial status if we were receive an inquiry from a player OR non-player, (2) to help participants better understand their risk/reward each night.
Potential Future Agenda Items for the DFOK Doubles League: Documentation/clarification of “Cali†rules, determine procedure for year end unclaimed Ace Fund balance.
Multiple people proposed to establish official club “Committees†to rotate baskets at the Warner Park & Fairmont Park disc golf courses. At this point, we have the privilege/responsibility to alternate pin placements when we decide. With the recent increase of pin placements, an increased number of volunteers are needed to helP. It was proposed to create one Basket Rotation Committee for Warner Park & one for Fairmont Park to move baskets Once Per Month. It was moved & seconded to vote on the proposed amendment. The proposed creation of above described committees, and to move the baskets one per month, passed by a vote of 6-0 in favor. Volunteers for each committee were as follows; Warner: Rick, Jon, Bill, Alan. Fairmont: Mark, Alan, Adam (by proxy), Rick (when needed).
Jon provided an update on the club’s goal to work with the City of Manhattan to finish the Warner Park disc golf course project (18 holes). Jon is drafting a letter to send to the City requesting to be on an upcoming Manhattan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting agenda. More information will be provided at next months meeting.
It was discussed and agreed upon (with no voting needed) for DFOK to once again have a "disc golf booth" at the (6th annual) “Get Around 2 It!†event. The event is hosted by the Manhattan Convention & Visitors Bureau to help people “discover all the great attractions, businesses and opportunities that await you in The Little Apple!†The event is scheduled for Thursday, on May 1st, at the Blue Earth Plaza. The K-State Disc Golf Club, may team up with DFOK to co-host the booth. More information will be provided at a later date.
DFOK members in attendance: Bill Pryor, Jon Tveite, Josh Carroll, Alan Fox, Mark Kewley, Daisuke Takahashi, & me (Rick Petrie).
Please keep in mind that the above text is a summary from my notes regarding the March 6th DFOK Meeting. They are not to be confused with official Minutes from the meeting. Official minutes will need to be reviewed, adjusted, and then approved at the next meeting.
Rick Petrie