WDG 2015 Summer League
Handicap Singles · May - Sep 2015 · Whitehall, MI
Ace Pool
Updated September 15, 2015 at 10:37am
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About this league
Fee to join $20
Fee per round $5
LEAGUE END PARTY- Saturday, September 19, 2015- 10:00-3:00 +
Playoff, High Low Dubs, Food, Laughs, Prizes, more laughs.
$20 League fee will get you a tee shirt and a mini and makes you eligible for all prizes and ace pool and end of year prizes/payouts.
Payout format will remain the same, $5 fee= $3 to cash payout including CTP/LP, $1 to Ace Pool, $1 to Club fund.
We will be starting promptly at 6:00, registration will be open until 5:50, no exceptions.
Random draw for groups, you may play with one other person of your choosing.
**Tie Breakers will be based on (1) lowest raw score, (2) Number of league rounds played, (3) coin flip/or sudden death playoff
Ace pool will be capped at $100 per league night, multiple aces split the capped amount. Anyone who played 3 league rounds last year is eligible for the full amount on the first night of league, otherwise you will only be eligible for the amount of players that night until you have played 3 rounds.
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LEAGUE END PARTY- Saturday, September 19, 2015- 10:00-3:00 +
Playoff, High Low Dubs, Food, Laughs, Prizes, more laughs.
$20 League fee will get you a tee shirt and a mini and makes you eligible for all prizes and ace pool and end of year prizes/payouts.
Payout format will remain the same, $5 fee= $3 to cash payout including CTP/LP, $1 to Ace Pool, $1 to Club fund.
We will be starting promptly at 6:00, registration will be open until 5:50, no exceptions.
Random draw for groups, you may play with one other person of your choosing.
**Tie Breakers will be based on (1) lowest raw score, (2) Number of league rounds played, (3) coin flip/or sudden death playoff
Ace pool will be capped at $100 per league night, multiple aces split the capped amount. Anyone who played 3 league rounds last year is eligible for the full amount on the first night of league, otherwise you will only be eligible for the amount of players that night until you have played 3 rounds.
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