DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2010/11
Points · Nov '10 - Mar '11 · Mishawaka, IN

DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2010/11
November '10 - March '11
Hosted by Disc Golf League Association
Locations (35)

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14 in, LAST CALL
Do you want in? This is the last call for registration. If you want to play in the Finale then now is the time to register. Reg closes at midnight tonight.
Info / Registration:
http://www.di ...
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Mar 20, 2011
by Scott White
About this league
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is proud to host the 2nd annual, Michigan Cooperative Point Series – Winter. (MiCPS-W) for 2010/11. The Winter season was the start of it all and is a proving grounds for new ideas.
The MiCPS-W 2010/11 brings leagues and players closer together. Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see who is doing what, what new things each league is doing and what is new or going on at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to celebrate the Spring thaw at the end of the season and to crown the Michigan State Disc Golf League Winter Champion. The the Summer Point Series will start up.
So get out and play in the snow.
MiCPS-W 2010/11:
Sunday Nov 21 – Saturday March 19th
Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS-W dates but MiCPS-W points will only accumulate between these dates.
The Finale is March 26th
New League Cutoff Date: Dec 31st 2010 – last day to add any additional leagues to the MiCPS Winter 2010/11.
Cost: There is no fee to be in the MiCPS-W 2010/11, you just play league rounds in participating leagues and your scores are automatically included. You must have a Disc Golf Scene profile which is also free.
Key highlights and details for Winter:
Winter Aces: Worth 50 points – League Admin – this is automatically calculated so if you want to use a different point system for your individual league Aces you can.
Ice Cold Points: If the temperature drops below 15 degrees with wind chill for your league round, the league Admin just needs to notify us and we will confirm the weather data and update the schedule for that league round to Double Points.
Remember the MiCPS automatically keeps your best two rounds per week when calculating your MiCPS total points. This is automatically recalculated when ever new scores are posted or scores are updated.
MiCPS-W 2010/11 Grand Finale: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/MICPS_Winter_2010-2011_Grand_Finale
Date: March 26th 2011
Location: TBD ( Dependent on # of registrants and those who volunteer to host and support the event - more soon)
Cost: $25
Eligibility – You must be on the MiCPS-W 2010/11 Leader Board to register for the Finale.
How to register? Cash or check to Foz or Scott at events or mail to DGLA 4839 Sycamore Dr. Ypsilanti Mi 48197. Online credit card or PayPal (See Event page)
Finale Registration Close Date: March 19th 2011 (1 week before the Finale)
New this Season:
League Pools: A new option this season provides leagues more visibility to all players and some extra competition during the MICPS Winter Finale. Leagues can decide to gather some extra funds throughout the season. They determine and post their qualification requirements so players know in advance (example: player must have played 5 regular league rounds during the session to be eligible). The amount in the league pool is posted by the league like an Ace Pool to build the excitement as the League Pool grows throughout the season. The league’s League Pool amount and qualified players list is provided at the end of the season and available at the Finale. Players can see which League Pools they are also competing in during the Finale, how much extra $$$ and with whom they are competing against for each League Pool they qualified for. A little extra competition with the players you play league with most often, and a little extra money added to the overall payout of the event. Each league with a League Pool is more involved with the Finale and highlights their critical role in the success of the Mi Cooperative Point Series. Should be a Win/Win for leagues and players. You must play in the Finale to have a shot at the extra money and honors.
Leagues can purchase MiCPS berths to award to players how ever they see fit. League purchase berth and the spot is annotated with league’s name until player name is provided. Note all MiCPS-W berth must be awarded and submitted to DGLA by March 12th. ( 2 weeks before Finale)
League rounds for MiCPS-W points end Mar 19th, a week before the Finale. Leagues can continue but the MiCPS-W points stop accumulating based on regular league play. The Grand Finale is the last chance for points.
The MiCPS-W 2010/11 brings leagues and players closer together. Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see who is doing what, what new things each league is doing and what is new or going on at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to celebrate the Spring thaw at the end of the season and to crown the Michigan State Disc Golf League Winter Champion. The the Summer Point Series will start up.
So get out and play in the snow.
MiCPS-W 2010/11:
Sunday Nov 21 – Saturday March 19th
Leagues can always run outside the MiCPS-W dates but MiCPS-W points will only accumulate between these dates.
The Finale is March 26th
New League Cutoff Date: Dec 31st 2010 – last day to add any additional leagues to the MiCPS Winter 2010/11.
Cost: There is no fee to be in the MiCPS-W 2010/11, you just play league rounds in participating leagues and your scores are automatically included. You must have a Disc Golf Scene profile which is also free.
Key highlights and details for Winter:
Winter Aces: Worth 50 points – League Admin – this is automatically calculated so if you want to use a different point system for your individual league Aces you can.
Ice Cold Points: If the temperature drops below 15 degrees with wind chill for your league round, the league Admin just needs to notify us and we will confirm the weather data and update the schedule for that league round to Double Points.
Remember the MiCPS automatically keeps your best two rounds per week when calculating your MiCPS total points. This is automatically recalculated when ever new scores are posted or scores are updated.
MiCPS-W 2010/11 Grand Finale: http://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/MICPS_Winter_2010-2011_Grand_Finale
Date: March 26th 2011
Location: TBD ( Dependent on # of registrants and those who volunteer to host and support the event - more soon)
Cost: $25
Eligibility – You must be on the MiCPS-W 2010/11 Leader Board to register for the Finale.
How to register? Cash or check to Foz or Scott at events or mail to DGLA 4839 Sycamore Dr. Ypsilanti Mi 48197. Online credit card or PayPal (See Event page)
Finale Registration Close Date: March 19th 2011 (1 week before the Finale)
New this Season:
League Pools: A new option this season provides leagues more visibility to all players and some extra competition during the MICPS Winter Finale. Leagues can decide to gather some extra funds throughout the season. They determine and post their qualification requirements so players know in advance (example: player must have played 5 regular league rounds during the session to be eligible). The amount in the league pool is posted by the league like an Ace Pool to build the excitement as the League Pool grows throughout the season. The league’s League Pool amount and qualified players list is provided at the end of the season and available at the Finale. Players can see which League Pools they are also competing in during the Finale, how much extra $$$ and with whom they are competing against for each League Pool they qualified for. A little extra competition with the players you play league with most often, and a little extra money added to the overall payout of the event. Each league with a League Pool is more involved with the Finale and highlights their critical role in the success of the Mi Cooperative Point Series. Should be a Win/Win for leagues and players. You must play in the Finale to have a shot at the extra money and honors.
Leagues can purchase MiCPS berths to award to players how ever they see fit. League purchase berth and the spot is annotated with league’s name until player name is provided. Note all MiCPS-W berth must be awarded and submitted to DGLA by March 12th. ( 2 weeks before Finale)
League rounds for MiCPS-W points end Mar 19th, a week before the Finale. Leagues can continue but the MiCPS-W points stop accumulating based on regular league play. The Grand Finale is the last chance for points.