2015-16 FF Glow Skins

October '15 - March '16 • Troy, Michigan
Mixed league

Ace pool

as of March 4
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Mar 3, 2016 · Top scores
Firefighters Park
Glow Skins, 18 holes
-10 44
$jay binienda$36
-8 46
Brian Fahnestock$24
E 54
$Josh Schulte
E 54
$Jeff Hollinger
E 54
$Darren Harper
E 54
$John Hamel
Overall standings
1$Josh Schulte110
2$jay binienda98
3$Darren Harper84
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 3/4/16

About this League

Mixed league - 28 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 one-time player fee for this league
$10.00 player fee each session
$4.00 ace pool entry
Skins match at Firefighters starting at 6:30 PM every THURSDAY night. we can start a little later as long as you contact someone in the league or myself to let us know. start times might vary in the beginning and at the end of the seasons due to daylight, we try to keep the league as glow as possible. BRING YOUR GLOW GEAR! If there is snow or leaves on the ground LED lights are a MUST! and i suggest top-mounted leds because they will luminate through the leaves or the snow...Blacklights are ...
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League News

Jay B   March 4, 2016 at 7:46pm


The usual suspects were out for our final round of the season, next week weather permitting will be the playoff for the top 5 of the leaderboard with $183 from the ace pool + $205 from the playoff pot = $388 rolling over for payouts in the playoff


Jay B   March 3, 2016 at 11:58pm


Tonight is the last league night of skins, if no aces are hit we will throw off for half of the ace pool paying 3 spots, 1st will be 50%, 2nd will be 30% and 3rd will be 20%, only members and players who have been in attendance 2/3 of the season qualify for the throwoff.

next week the entry will be $18 to make each skin worth $1, a portion of the playoff pot/leftover ace pool money will also be added to the skins portion of the round then the rest will be divided so everyone gets a payout no matter what.


Jay B   March 3, 2016 at 11:49pm


6 players again last week, ace pool is at $342, playoff pot $199


Jay B   February 22, 2016 at 3:46am

WEEK #17

6 players this week, ace pool $318, playoff pot $193


Jay B   February 13, 2016 at 5:58pm

WEEK #16

8 players came out and braved the cold but it was actually a pretty calm night, ace pool is at $294, berths have been paid for from the playoff pot bringing it down to now $187


Jay B   February 7, 2016 at 5:53pm

WEEK #15

Only 6 players again this week, where eryone at? Ace pool now $266, playoff pot $239


Jay B   February 4, 2016 at 2:16am

WEEK #14 REMINDER: later start

6 players again last week, ace pool $246, playoff pot $233, we are starting at 7pm this week 2/4/16


Jay B   January 22, 2016 at 6:47pm

WEEK #13

6 players this week, ace pool is at $222, playoff pot is at $227


Jay B   January 15, 2016 at 10:02am

WEEK #12

Only 4 players this week...guess some people had snow in their vaginas, too bad it was actually a nice night....$198 in the ace pool, playoff pot is at $221


Jay B   January 9, 2016 at 7:56pm

WEEK #11

10 players this week, schulte aced holed 7 for his first ever glow ace! Congrats! $182 in the ace pool, playoff pot is at $217


Jay B   January 7, 2016 at 7:28pm

WEEK #10

8 players last week, playoff pot is at $207, ace pool $328


Jay B   December 24, 2015 at 5:25am

Round rescheduled

Due to the pouring rain and incoming possibility of thunderstorms mid round we voted and have rescheduled for this saturday night 12/26 at 630...so after bobis you can come to ff and get some glow on too! See everyone then and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Jay B   December 24, 2015 at 3:43am

Weather permitting....id rather shovel tees than play in cold rain, make up your mind mother nature

Jay B   December 20, 2015 at 7:30pm

Holiday rounds

Just a reminder that we will be playing league on weds the next 2 weeks due to the holidays


Jay B   December 18, 2015 at 8:02pm


7 players this week, 1 new member paid, $199 in the playoff pot, ace pool at $300


Jay B   December 17, 2015 at 7:13pm


9 players last week, $182 in the playoff pot, ace pool at $276


Jay B   December 5, 2015 at 3:12am


7 players again this week, $173 in the playoff pot, $244 ace pool


Jay B   December 1, 2015 at 1:46am


7 players last week, 1 more member, $167 in the playoff pot, ace pool is $220


Jay B   November 23, 2015 at 11:17pm


11 players last week, 1 new member, $150 in the playoff pot, ace pool is $192


Jay B   November 13, 2015 at 8:06pm


8 players braved the elements last night, $129 in the playoff pot, ace pool is at $156.....schulte took the win with 9 skins(because we all decided we didnt want to take our par shots seriously on hole 17), jay b took 2nd with 8 skins and tom c took the final skin on hole 1 in sudden death


Jay B   November 6, 2015 at 9:35pm


13 players again tonight, growing and hope to see more! 1 more new member(and I forgot to add Hollinger) = 8 total + 41entries = $121 in the playoff pot, ace pool grows to $128...josh Schulte took the overall win on the 6man card with 11 skins, with tom c taking their other 7 skins....jay b wont the ctp on hole #4 for $11 and had 10 skins on the 7man card, brian shevela came out for his first ever glow skins round and took 5 skins, big foot took 2 skins and Darren cursed himself for the round on hole 1 by taking the 1st hole skin curse for the night


Jay B   October 30, 2015 at 7:08am

League week #2

8 players tonight, 1 new member = 6 total, $88 in the playoff pot, ace pool is $84...jay b with the win taking 14 skins, josh Schulte taking the other 4, Darren harper won the ctp on hole #2 for $8


Jay B   October 16, 2015 at 7:35pm

1st week 2 ACES!!! and a BIG WIN!

7 players came out, new guy josh McCool aced hole 2 to start off the night, then since none of us could make putts we pushed every hole into sudden death for 16 skins, until hole 2 was ACED AGAIN! by Darren harper for the win! that basket was hot last night!

3 people paid memberships = $37 in the playoff pot, $12 in the ace pool

See you all next week! we officially start the league points for the leaderboard

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