Discraft Ace Race - Wadsworth

Sunday, October 28, 2012 at Memorial Park in Wadsworth, Ohio
Ace Race

Discraft Ace Race - Wadsworth graphic

About this tournament

Come see the new course budding in Wadsworth!

The number of holes played will depend on how many permanent holes are in place at the time of the event, but at least 36 holes will be played.


This year's Ace Race disc is a long range driver, with some stability but expected to be easy to throw.

The player's package this year includes two prototype discs, both in Elite Z plastic; an Ace Race mini; a Discraft logo premium water bottle; a 5-year vinyl sticker; and a Discraft pair of UV sunglasses.

For those who don't know how an Ace Race works, the basics:

One throw per hole. Record a tally only of aces (holes-in-one) and metal hits. Metal hits for this tournament will include hits via skip or roll.

Holes will be up to 250 feet in length; however, all holes will be realistically hit by an average player for ace, so certain existing holes may have modified tees to increase this opportunity.

The player with the most Aces (with metal hits as a tiebreaker) will win a package including a Discraft deluxe disc bag and an assortment of discs.

If you don't win first prize, you still end up with good times and a package whose value far exceeds the entry fee.

Given that this type of play is faster than a full tournament, play is expected to be rather quick.

A portion of the entry fee will be put back into improvements in the Wadsworth course.

You are permitted to purchase additional packs for the same $25.

There will be additional contest offerings (such as a separate cash ace pool) available on the day of the event.

** NOTE: We have reserved the large stone shelter in the park on the south end on the outer loop (on the other side of the football stadium from hole 1, closest to 4 basket)

Anyone willing to lend the use of temporary baskets to complete the circuit (in the event the full 18 holes are not in place), please contact me. I am also looking for volunteers to help before the tournament with a brief clinic to show new players some tips on throwing the discs, to increase their ability to compete in the event.

Refund policy

MADGE - The Medina Area Disc Golf Experience is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Memorial Park
Wadsworth, OH   Get Directions


Final Results


Joe SchmidHole 2 on Veteran's Memorial DGC, 2012 Discraft Ace Race Layout, Short Tees
Roger Itch SchmidHole 4 on Veteran's Memorial DGC, 2012 Discraft Ace Race Layout
1Kevin Hitch
2Joe Schmid
2Roger Itch Schmid
4Ron McCollum
5Jared McGreevy
5Kevin Wilsterman
7Ben Bramwell
7Ben Schmid
7Bill Vaughn
7Brendan McGreevy
7Brett McGreevy
7Heath Sanders
7Mick Nye
7Mike Cargill
7Nick Gaugler
7Steve Weese
7Todd Malkus
7Tony Paserba
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