Black Zombie Presents:Virtual Putting League Week (2)
About this tournament NO JUMP PUTTS OR STEP PUTTS ALLOWED ---
Your putting station set up will be as follows!
- 5 Stations | 15ft | 20ft | 25ft | 30ft | 35ft
- You will have this done with a tape measure to be sure it is accurate and to show to your opponent(s) for proof! (no cheating!)
- Your phone will be set up in a way that shows you putting from your station(s) as well as the basket you're putting to! (The reason should be obvious.)
- Having a tripod will make this so much easier BUT a stack of discs or otherwise can work easily to prop up your phone.
- There will be 4 putts from each station.
- It will be an alternating flow / Serpentine. (Player 1 starts at 15ft, Player 2 does 15ft & 20ft, Player 1 does 20ft & 25ft, etc etc.)
Your putting station set up will be as follows!
- 5 Stations | 15ft | 20ft | 25ft | 30ft | 35ft
- You will have this done with a tape measure to be sure it is accurate and to show to your opponent(s) for proof! (no cheating!)
- Your phone will be set up in a way that shows you putting from your station(s) as well as the basket you're putting to! (The reason should be obvious.)
- Having a tripod will make this so much easier BUT a stack of discs or otherwise can work easily to prop up your phone.
- There will be 4 putts from each station.
- It will be an alternating flow / Serpentine. (Player 1 starts at 15ft, Player 2 does 15ft & 20ft, Player 1 does 20ft & 25ft, etc etc.)
Refund policy
Black Zombie Swarm Team is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.