Rolling Hills League

May - September 2009
Hosted by Ann Arbor Area Disc Induced Sports Club

Ace Pool


Updated July 14, 2009 at 4:28pm


About this league

To participate in any A3Disc functions you must be a current member.
Annual Dues are $25.00. For your annual dues you will receive a T-shirt, Disc and mini. If you pay your membership dues on or before April 29th 2009 and you are one of the first 150 participants, to do so, you will receive an additional disc. See the event One-Disc Challenge for more information.
Club Dues allow you to participate in our leagues, Ace Pools, receive a Club membership card offering discounts at various local vendors. Social events for league members will be planned during the year at Hudson mills metropark. League party at the end of the year with side games and food at Hudson Mills metropark on Wednesday October 7th, 2009. You are allowed to participate in this league and the Hudson Mills league at no additional club charges, currently.

There is no Ace Pool currently at Rolling Hills League

Discgolfscene allows only two options for leagues, regular meetings or unscheduled. We are somewhere in between there. League starts May 6th and ends September 30th. We allow makeup rounds 2 weeks back and forward. NO rounds can be submitted or tracked before league officially starts and none will be accepted after the official end date and time. You must play all league rounds with another current club member to have the round counted!
It is the club members responsibility to correctly enter the date of your makeup on your card or it cannot be logged, The date used must be for a corresponding Wednesday date only.

A3disc disclaimer
A3 will only be using this page if it works easily as we already report league scores to our webpage.
If you do not supply your email address (used on this site) and your PDGA# current or not at registration in a readable fashion those scores may or may not show up here. This will not be the responsibility of A3disc to collect.
Scores logged here will always be at least 2 weeks behind what may show up on A3 discs website as we allow make-ups.